Bringing Back the Magic of Poker to Your B2B Business

Imagine players honing their skills, bluffing with confidence, and reaping the rewards of their mental mastery. PokerSolutions by 180™ brings back the true essence of poker.

Poker client lobby

Transparency You Can Trust

We lay it all bare – hand histories from real games are readily available on industry giants like No smoke and mirrors, just pure, unadulterated poker. Your players deserve the truth, and PokerSolutions delivers it with open arms.

Cutting-Edge Tech for the Modern Player

PokerSolutions caters to every preference. Craving your own standalone app? We've got you covered. Want to join our thriving network of licensed tables? Hop right in! Our HTML5 solution ensures seamless play across any device, desktop or mobile. Flexibility is our middle name.

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Poker Client Devices

Play Anytime, Anywhere, Forever

The beauty of PokerSolutions? It's location-agnostic. Your players can join the action from the comfort of their couch, the hustle of a coffee shop, or even a sunny beach – the possibilities are endless. Let the games begin!

Beyond the Cards,
A Customizable Playground

Integrate your own casino games, side bets, and custom features to create a poker experience that's uniquely yours. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination.

Poker Client Devices

Own the Desktop, Own the Player

Unlike fleeting mobile apps, poker thrives on desktop installations. Your brand takes center stage, fostering deeper engagement and opening doors for cross-selling and brand loyalty like never before. It's your canvas, your masterpiece.

Certified and Approved for Fair Play

R&D grants from the UK Government and rigorous RNG certifications guarantee a level playing field for everyone. Rest assured, your patrons are experiencing poker in its purest form, backed by the highest standards in the industry.

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Poker Client Tourney

Unleash the Power of Data

Dive into a sea of insights with almost 100 data points at your fingertips. Track everything from player behavior to game trends with our clean, up-to-date API. We finally have the tools to understand poker like never before.

The Acquisition Ace

Forget oversaturated markets. Poker is the untapped goldmine you've been searching for. Attract new players with the thrill of the cards, and watch your traffic (and profits) soar. It's the cost-effective marketing magic trick you've been waiting for.

Poker Client Spins

Double Down on Revenue

It's a fact: operators who embrace poker often see a significant portion of their overall revenue come straight from the poker client. It's a win-win for everyone – players get their fix, and you reap the rewards. Let's deal in double the fun!